Bad TheoryHammer: What are these Void-Dancers?

 Bad TheoryHammer:  What are these Void-Dancers?

(Image Credit:  Emmanuel | Strategic Advantage on Kill Team University)

I'm not doing the Ork voice for this one.  People get upset when I do the Ork voice.  This is a really neat idea and I just wanted to show off what someone in the Kill Team University Discord came up with.

(Please note:  If you want to have your own painted minis showcased, message me or something!  I like showcasing the community and then I make a dime or two!  HORRIBLE SELF-PROMOTION!)

So Emmanuel made a Void-Dancer Kill Team using Orks.  These are really freaking cool and some of the Orks seem to be the really old ones.

Da Lead Perfoma!

(Image Credit:  Emmanuel | Strategic Advantage on Kill Team University)

I said I wouldn't do the Ork voice.  Had to there.  Sorry!  This is a really cool mini and I'm cool with it.  I like how he got some of the Harlequin stuff going while still being obviously an Ork.  No issues here.

Da Weirdboy--Er, Shadowseer!

(Image Credit:  Emmanuel | Strategic Advantage on Kill Team University)

This guy looks like he's about to stomp on you and you can't do anything about it.  It's ridiculous.  I totally get him as a Shadowseer, but he's way too beefy.  But you know, you do you, boo.

KTU has people making all sorts of silly things and making them into awesomeness and it's a really great Discord to check out.  I'll put the join link down below.

Da Deff Jesta!

(Image Credit:  Emmanuel | Strategic Advantage on Kill Team University)

Okay, this is freaking brilliant.  This is a great conversion that I want everyone to just take a moment and let sink in.  This is a great conversion of something that should never happen.  I love it.  Look at him about to launch a squig!  Chicks dig squigs.

For everyone wanting to join Kill Team University and get even more cool models and all my Bad TheoryHammer, just click here to join the Discord.

Also, you can check out Emmanuel on his Instagram thingy at @eman.paints. Why is this now weird?
