Bad TheoryHammer: Ukraine Giveaway (Kind of?)

Bad TheoryHammer:  Ukraine Giveaway

(Image:  These freaking Chads.)

This is a simple giveaway and I admit it is less than I want.  A lot of people in Kill Team University have been wanting to get Necromunda bases.  I have at least 12 and probably more.  I'm sorry this isn't more, but this is what I can do for Kill Team purposes at the moment.  I might do more if things get more...  more.

So for right now, I am semi-auctioning off all my Zone Mortalis bases (I have twelve on hand, but if I find more, they are going in there).  If things get spicy, you're going to get a lot of Necromunda and GSC bits as well.  If this absolutely blows up, things are going to get crazy and I'm going to make an entire board for someone who bids the most.

Now, this is not a thing that is a HEY I AM GIVING AWAY STUFF, except yes, I am.  So let's do a few things and get it all set up.

$20:  Okay, that's enough to get all my bases (there's probably a lot more hidden around).

$50:  I'm probably going to start throwing in sprues and stuff.

$500:  You donate that much to Ukraine, you show me proof, I'm going to make you a board and we're going to have some fun.  It will take a while and we will have to talk, but we will do it!


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