Bad TheoryHammer: My (Somewhat Illegal) Broodcoven Team

 Bad TheoryHammer:  My Semi-Illegal Broodcoven Team

(Image Credit:  Me)

Just doing a little thing here today.  I'm about to start working on a "scenic" carrying tray for these Squiddly Boys, but I wanted to show you just how bad I am at painting these days.  It's been a while since I've done anything like this, but I think they look...  Okay?

I will note that technically I have 21 Operatives on this roster (and two Familiars just to run cheers and act as counters and stuff).  I don't plan on running the Rock Saw at all, but I made one up.  Also, since it has been a long while since I painted, I just opted for simple and clean (IS THE WAY YOU ARE MAKING ME FEEL TONIGHT), but honestly, just basically dirtying things up work wonders.


(Image Credit:  Hey, it's me!)

Yes, I'm taking pictures on top of a water cooler.  It seemed to give the best lighting I had available.

So I have an Acolyte Leader with a Lash Whip and Bonesword and a Neophyte Leader with Power Pick and Bolt Pistol.  I tend to favor the Neophyte these days, which makes me sad.

Acolyte Fighters

(Image Credit:  Still Gonna Credit Me!)

Nineteen times out of twenty my Roster will include the Cutter and the Drill.  The saw is just there because I wanted to build one.  But I think they look cool for grimy mining people, and the painting is pretty darned simple.

Acolyte Warriors

(Image Credit:  Guess Who?)

My Roster tends to run 1 Acolyte Leader, 2 Fighters, and 3 Warriors, so these guys are pretty much the norm in here.  If I decide to go a little more melee, I'll take the Neophyte Leader and 3 Warriors and just go with that.

Neophyte Heavy Gunners and Icon Bearer

(Can I stop this now?)

Mining Laser is an always-take.  Icon Bearer likewise.  If I go Guncult, I take the Seismic Cannon.  I kinda like these guys.  Also, notice that both the Heavy Gunners have Bipods already modeled in because, well, why not?

Neophyte Gunners

(Don't Stop Me Now)

Notice that everything is pretty simple.  I've worked on too many job sites to think that fancy paint jobs happen to industrial tools.  So yeah, they're pretty basic, but they're definitely table-worthy, I think?  Tell me I'm wrong here!

The Rest

(I'm having such a good time.  I'm having a ball)

Just a bunch of Neophytes with various weapons that fill up whatever I want them to do.  Note that the one with a blasting charge only gets used if I want a blasting charge on my list (because that's just being sporting).


I'm going to be honest with you here.  I based these guys in ash.  A combination of wood, charcoal, and tobacco (sorry, I smoke) ash.  It was mixed with watered-down PVA multiple times and applied in layers and meant to cover up boots and legs a bit and to climb up all the raggedly robes and stuff because if you have ever slogged through mud, it will get up all your stuff and it sucks.

If they seem a bit shiny, that's because I just gave them a quick rinse before the photoshoot because things can get a little dusty and all that, but hopefully you can see that even an old guy like me who hasn't painted in nearly a decade can make something look pretty cool pretty easily!
