Bad TheoryHammer: Hunter Clades

 Bad TheoryHammer:  Hunter Clades

(Image Credit:  GW)

So, I'm trying to get into a rotation of one Imperium, one Chaos, one Xenos thing, especially as we are now dwindling down to things I have less enthusiasm for (sorry guys, I don't like some factions and it will show).  I'll try to keep the posts up, and if I have a STRATEGY idea pop into my head, I will put that up as well.

Today, I'm talking just about the Hunter Clades.  I'm not talking about Forge World (not the company, they're lovely).  Forge World will likely get their own post at some point, but there's not a lot to say about them.

I'm going to be completely honest here.  I do not "get" Hunter Clades.  I don't "get" AdMech in general.  They seem to be a mix of contradictions to me and I'm not sure what in the heck to do with them.  As such, this is Bad TheoryHammer, so let's delve in.

(Please note:  I am going to use pics to begin with and then go into the various roles and whatnot that people can get.  It's a little different from normal.  Let me change things up, okay?)



(Image Credit:  GW)

Okay, I don't rate Rangers at all.  I don't like Heavy on stuff and while they may have a better Gunner ploy (they don't have to be up on an objective), they just don't mean much to me.  I would probably take them just for the Gunners because, well, Rad-Saturation doesn't matter so much if you're supposed to sit back and shoot.

A note on the Arquebus:  I have seen and heard so much about people being scared of this thing that is can control the board.  This also applies to the next group, but keep in mind, they're not as bad as you think.


(Image Credit: GW)

I like these guys a lot more.  That's on me.  I don't like heavy weapons.  And I like that they have better than Autogun profiles now.  You can spend the EPs to basically give them better bolters if you want.  Rad-Saturation is...  well, rad.  It's really nice when it comes up and gives your guys some added beef.

As always (and I didn't say it before) everything but the arquebus is better than it.  But if you have space, take it anyways, just because.


(Image Credit:  Still GW)

So, when I was doing some research about AdMech (as mentioned, I REALLY don't get them), people said Ruststalkers were no good,  I had to look at their stats and what the heck?  At least these guys are still amazing. (To be fair, I will talk about Ruststalkers shortly).

I would give them the Power Weapon and Stubcarbine and use them primarily as objective takers.


Do you know how much that word hurts to type?  It is an affront to English!

(Image Credit:  GW)

Ruststalkers got a bit of a nerf from Forge World and I'm guessing it is unintentional/  If they had the same weapons stats, they would be amazing here, but as it is, I'm just going to suggest you take a Princeps and leave it at that.


Take the Ruststalker.  Then you get a melee beast that you can use.  Outside of that, I don't know, maybe take a Vanguard?


Doesn't really matter what you're going to do here.  You'll take the Arc Rifle and Caliver before you take the Arquebus and then you're just taking it to prove it has a use.

Remember you can only have three Robots on your team if you have three gunners.  Might be worth it t leave the big gun at home.


I'm going to be honest here.  This is where you can easily take a Ranger.  He is either going to be moving and doing his thing or shooting and doing his thing.  Heavy doesn't even wager in here.


Same thing here!  You can put on the heavy gun because he's not doing anything other than scooting and surveying or shooting and surveying.


Here is where things get confusing for me (and keep in mind, I'm just going off scanned pages).  AdMech are shooty (no matter how you build them, they are always going to be pretty shooty, mostly).  Why wouldn't you emphasize that with Protector Imperative?  I just don't see a reason not to.

I would likely start off TP1 with Bulwark just to be safe, then switch to Protector and use a Ploy to make my melee guy switch off to Conqueror.  But I might be wrong here.


This is going to be a little different here.  I'm not going to talk about every piece of Equipment, just the ones that stand out to me.  I'm tired, dudes.

Servo-Skull and Mechandendrites are AMAZING.  They should always be taken, mission worthy.  If you don't have to pick up things or interact, sure, they aren't as useful, but removing action costs is amazeballs in Kill Team.

Enriched Rounds gives your Vanguard better Bolters.  Well worth spending your CP on.

Optimized Gait is great because sometimes you really want your Ruststalker Princeps to get up on a tower and murder someone.

Refractor Field, well, double the wounds on your Leader when he is closing in.  Not bad.  Potentially, Keep in mind it is expensive and only works really against the AP1 stuff out there.


Okay, this makes my head hurt.  There's a lot to unpack here and it makes things complicated.  WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO COMPLICATED, ADMECH?  JUST WHACK IT WITH A WRENCH!

Martial Protocol:  Makes a really good point for Rangers not being as horrible as I say they are.  Always a good choice if you have Rangers.

Accelerant Agents:  I'm going to be honest, Ruststalkers got nerfed pretty hard going into Hunter Clades and as such you're probably just taking a Leader.  Not bad on him, though!

Neurostatic Interference:  This is a ploy that exists in Kill Team.  Let me know if you use it!

Calculated Approach:  Potentially really, really good.

Pursuers:  Another strong reason to take Rangers, and I don't like them much.

Command Override:  This lets your one melee guy fight while everyone else shoots.  You will be using this.

Concealed Position:  A frankly worse Underground, but does mean you something ready to go T2.
Motive Force Vitality:  Healing is OP.


Between Recon and Seek and Destroy, I'm taking Recon and griping about it.  At least that has benefits for Pursuers,

Sample Roster

Ruststalker Princeps
3x Infiltrator (Stubcarbine, Power Weapon)
2x Ruststalker (Chordclaw and Razor)
Ranger Surveyor
Ranger Diktat
3x Ranger Gunner (One of each)
6x Vanguard Shooter
3x Ranger Shooter

This gives a lot of options to play around with.  I admit I like the Ruststalker Princeps and other people might swap something out in the Roster for more Leaders, but I just think he's neat.

(Image Credit:  Fox)

From here, you can go a lot of ways.  It all depends on how you play.

I'm trying to think of a catchy sign-off here, but to be honest, I can't be bothered,  Just go ahead and tell me how wrong I am.
