Bad TheoryHammer: Grey Knights

 Bad TheoryHammer:  Grey Knights

(Image Credit:

This is going to be a bit of a short post.  What can I say, Christmas is coming and, to be honest, there's not a whole lot to say about Grey Knights as it is.

I really, really like them in general.  They come across as better Marines in most ways (which, I mean, they kind of are).  Their shooting is, in general, incredible, as Storm Bolters are great, and their melee is by no means weak.  Also, every one of them is a Psyker--go be jealous, Thousand Sons.

That said, like most other Marine lists, they do suffer from a crippling lack of variety, but that's something of a feature with Grey Knights in my opinion.  Furthermore, since they are all Firstborn, they don't quite have Primaris wounds.

But, let's get down to business.  To defeat the Huns Deamons!



(Image Credit:  Goonhammer)

Sorry about "stealing" images from people--let me know and I will change them out.  There just isn't much variety, as mentioned!

So, you have to take a Justicar.  You're going to take a Justicar.  You would probably take one even if you didn't have to.  With a 2+ to hit with most things, that's just phenomenal.  Think about it this way:  anything your other Operatives can do, he can do better (outside of carrying a big gun).

You have to take a Storm Bolter, and you're not sorry you have to.  It's a great weapon.  Not Plasma great, but still, pretty great.  Outside of that, you have some options, but really it's going to boil down to probably a Nemesis Force Weapon for the 5+ Lethal that seems to work so well.  Falchions are always a good choice as well, but on a 2+ to hit, rerolls don't seem quite as important to me.


(Image Credit:  Goonhammer again)

Lots of debate around this guy.  Most people I know don't bother running one on their "standard" Kill Team, which I can understand.  All of their weapons are Heavy and none of them are Bolters (so things like Bolter Discipline won't work).  A simple Warrior with Psybolt Ammunition will outperform them in most things.  If you like them, I won't tell you you're wrong, but here, at least, I agree with the majority.

That said, Psycannons are really cool.


(Image Credit:  GW)

At minimum you need to take three of these guys, and you will most likely take four of them.  They're darned good fighters and pretty effective shooters.  Not a whole lot to say here, aside from that you're probably getting the most bang for your nonexistent buck from Falchions with them.  Nemesis Force Weapon is still not a bad choice (effectively making them better, Psychic Deathwatch Warriors).

Psychic Powers

Astral Aim is the best of the bunch, but to be honest, they're all very situational.  Giving up one AP to make another AP better (or to improve your save) isn't all that great to me.

That said, Hammerhand can be used well if you are taking a NFW against a force with a lot of 7+ wound Operatives.  Charge in, Hammerhand, Fight, and chances are you're critting and killing without taking any damage.


I really, really like two of the options here.

Psybolt Ammunition makes your Storm Bolters a lot better (and they started off good to begin with).  It's expensive, but worth it.

Santic Blessing is basically a free APL once per game, so long as it is used for a Psychic Action.  This is phenomenal for a lot of reasons--being able to buff your Storm Bolters before using Bolter Discipline means that what you're shooting at is basically going to go down like insert horrible metaphor here.  It can also help protect an important objective by buffing your Save to 2+ for a Turning Point (more important on TP 4).

The rest are kind of meh to me.


I see Bolter Discipline.  I like Bolter Discipline.  I see Bolter Discipline on a force with a bunch of Damage 4/5 (Psybolt Ammo) Storm Bolters and I like it even more.  That's a lot of dakka!

The Tides are both really interesting, but interesting doesn't really mean useful.  If I'm hiding my Space Marines, chances are something has gone wrong (or I'm a strategic genius).  Extra distance on a charge is always nice, but it's only Triangle, so eh, could take it or leave it.  I can see times when both would be game-changers though.

Outside of the Tides, though, the rest of the Ploys are really standard Space Marine ploys, which sort of makes sense.  If you like them, you like them.  Only in Death got nerfed, but it's still pretty useful.


I don't like Seek and Destroy at all.  I love Security, as anyone who has been following along knows.  Guess which of the two I plan on going with?

Sample Roster/Kill Team

I'm not doing this.  Again.  I know, I'm sorry.  Basically, here's the thing.

You should take a Leader.  Maybe a Gunner if you want to change things up every now and then (don't).  Otherwise, just take four Warriors with whatever weapons you find best.

Now, I want you to think about something really quickly.  If you REALLY wanted to, you have effectively 5 (we are excluding the Gunners here--sorry, Gunners!), each of which have a total of 4 options for equipment.  Do the math and you have a very silly Roster where each of your operatives can have whatever melee weapon you want.  Want to add in the Gunners?  Remove the Hammer and Stave from the Justicar and you can get two of them.

FINE!  I'll show you what I mean!

Justicar:  Nemesis Force Weapon
Justicar:  Falchions
4x Warrior:  Nemesis Force Weapon
4x Warrior:  Demon Hammer
4x Warrior:  Falchions
4x Warrior:  Warding Stave
Gunner:  Psycannon
Gunner:  Psilencer

There.  That's your roster.  Take your five favorite Operatives, sprinkle with some Equipment, and you're golden.  There's no reason with a Roster like this to get into sample teams because literally, you can tailor them to whatever your opponent is playing.  You have (almost) every possible option on your Roster, for the Emperor's sake!

I know, I know, that smells like heresy.  I will report to the nearest Commissar immediately for pen--BLAM!
