Bad TheoryHammer: Greenskins
(Imaj Kredit: GW)
Oi, ya bunch of panzee-lovin' gitz, it's time to lissen up again! Yarr, some idjit challenged me ter do dis all ovva again wiv da orijunal Boyz, so let's git down ter bizness!
We endin' da yeer rite, Boyz!
Green iz gud and green iz go! As a Greenskins playa, you git da following big adva... advantaje... BONUSES! Whatevva.
- Your Boyz are tuff. But you knew dat already cuz you'z a clevva git.
- Your Boyz are ded killy up close.
- Your Boyz are kinda scary wiv dere rokkits.
- Your Nob is one of da best dere is, da best dere was, and da best dere ever will be.
- Also, you git da optshun uv takin' five burnas (kinda) on a Kill Team.
- Lootas are ded shooty.
Da Nob
(Imaj Kredit: GW)
Dat's a lot uv Nobs! But you only git da wun, so make 'im count! Da Nob is da biggest and da strongest uv your Boyz and 'e gits da best stuff, see?
Wun ting wot makes 'im better den de Kommandos (not da wuns in Greenskins, dey ain't proppa Kommandos) Nob iz dat 'e gits a betta shoota-fing wot can 'ave a Burna or a Rokkit on it. And also 'e gits da Bosspole, which you alwayz take.
(Imaj Kredit: GW, da gitz!)
Dis iz da backbone of your Kill Team. You are gonna take lots of dem in jenural. Take dem with Choppas because if you really want da dakka, just take Lootas instead. Up close, dey are ded killy with dere shiny Choppas.
(Imaj Kredit: GW)
Oi, 'ow did dese guys sneak in 'ere? Who wantz ter 'ave a bunch of weedy gitz on dere Kill Team? Akshually, dey ain't 'alf bad at 'iding out on objectivez and being a bunch of sneaky buggerz wot are 'ard to git ter. Just don't expect much from dem. Den you might not be let down!
(Imaj Kredit: GW)
Dese Boyz are proppa shooty. Dey can sit back and blast away ennyfin' you want dem too. Dey might 'ave sum trubble 'itting da broad side uv a barn, but dey can still dakkadakkadakka and dat's gud. Also, rememba dey ain't 'evvy, dey'z your bruvva.
I ain't talkin' 'bout Spannaz in dis becuz nobody is takin' wun. Sorry, Mekboy wannabe. Da Nob iz just betta.
(Imaj Kredit: GW)
Burnaz are proppa gud too. Dey make pinkiez do da burny dance, which is always a roight laff. Dere's just wun problem wiv dem. Dey need ter be up close ta do ennyfin', but dey are ded choppy, so be careful wiv where you move dem! Rememba also da Nob can take a Scorcha so you can 'ave even more burniness.
Kommandoz (and Nob)
(Imaj Kredit: GW)
Look, if you'z really want ter play Kommandoz, use da Kommandoz. Don't use dese guys. Dey just don't bring ennyfin' ter da table wot Boyz don't bring, and you'll be sad. Don't be sad. Be WAAAGH!
Dis ain't dat 'ard ter figger out, even fer a Grot-luvvin' Snotling like yourself. Dere's a few fings 'ere wot stick out and you don't 'ave much pointz fer ennyfin' else.
Da Nob always gits a Bosspole. Always.
If you 'ave a Gunna Boy (and you will always 'ave wun at least), give 'im a Targetin' Fing. If you 'ave too, you take too uv dem and den you're dun. If not, Stikkbombs are alwayz a laff.
Wot da wot? Just a Scratch iz back? Well, den we know what at least tree CPs are goin' fer. Dat is wun uv da best Ployz evva.
Da rest are also gud, but dey need to be balanced 'gainst keeping da Boyz alive and krumpin' all da Squeekiez by saying "Nah, it'll be fine."
Skulk About ain't worf nuthin', though, since you ain't takin' Kommandoz as menshuned.
Strata... Wotevva, da Planz
Dere still ain't no reason not ta run Security. Iz da best and green iz also da best.
Sample Rosta and Kill Team
1x Nob (Kombi-Rokkit, Power Klaw)
2x Gunnerz (Rokkit Launchaz)
2x Grots (Dey don't git ennyfin')
7x Boyz (Choppaz)
4x Lootaz
4x Burnaz
Dis gives you da option uv running too Fire Teams uv Boyz or whateva Speshulists you want mixed in. Dat's good!
Kill Team (dis wun is ded easy!):
Nob w/Bosspole
2x Gunnerz w/Targetin' Fing
2x Grots
7x Boyz
And dere you 'ave it, ya mangy grotz. Now get out dere and krump somefin'! I'm gittin' tired of 'aving ter explain all dis ta the like of youz!
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