Bad TheroryHammer: Torpedoes


(Image Credit:  Google, it's on Wikipedia)

So I'm going to talk about something that a lot of people don't seem to get with Kill Team.  Basically, you want to trade up all the time (by the way, typing with a broken finger, so forgive my typos!).  A torpedo is basically a glass cannon you set up to kill something and you don't expect to have a second try with it.

So, what's a typical torpedo?  Let's start with guard.

(Image Credit:  Ebay,)

Your gunners are torpedoes.  Your goal is to take out one important dude and then if you get anything else, you're golden,  Melta more than plasma, but still, if you can trade one for one in most cases, you're amazing.


This is going to be another Hive Cult post, sorry. They just use the torpedo strat so well.  Acolytes can have two weapons with a good chance of getting that nice 7 wound crit and another who is just a badass in general,  Plus, we're gonna look at the next thing,,,

(Image Credit:,me)

Have you seen what a big lascannon can do TP1 when it can just set up anywhere?  Sure, it's going to get murdered, but not before it takes out something that really needs to be taken out.  I will gladly swap 1/12 of my force to take out 1/5 of yours and if we have a nice little vantage point, it isn't even a swap!

I'm gonna edit this because apparently people don't understand it enough.  I can deploy my Mining Laser with Underground on top of a vantage point with concealment (you know, the one we all try to fight over) and then use Cult Ambush to make him immediately go to Engaged and shoot someone.  Then, if I care enough, I can use my last CP to make him go back into Concealed. 

(Image Credit: GW)

Tzaangors are also a somewhat frightening torpedo, but that is less because of the damage they do am more because you just don't care.  Like, if they do six wounds to something, hey, better than expected!

(Expensive Torpedoes: Credit:  GW)

See, here's the one issue with Harlies.  They hit hard, but without ploys, they wither away.  You want them to stick around, because you only have 8 of them (and they seriously punch above their weight), but they fall like a leaf if they don't get their CP stuff off.  That said, they are one of the best torpedo units I can think of.  Send them out to kill something and if they can kill something else, BONUS!
