Bad TheoryHammer: Heretic Astartes

 Bad TheoryHammer:  Heretic Astartes

(Image Credit:  GW)

Figured I'd start off with a little announcement.  The person who won my giveaway still hasn't claimed it!  You need to contact me on Reddit so I can get your preferences and information!

So, Chaos Marines got a much-needed shot in the arm in Kill Team.  They're actually pretty darned good.  Better than their Imperial...  Brethren (okay, maybe not Grey Knights, but that's another post).

Overall, you're probably going to want 6+ Marines of various stripes for various ideas, plus a group of Cultists just in case you want them.  I like them.  I think they're neat.  But again, more on that later!

Chaos Marines basically act like a better Tactical Squad (plus they can take Cultists).  They are fast with 3 APL, shoot really well (and their equipment makes that even better), and they punch surprisingly hard.  So let's get into them.


Aspiring Champion

(Image Credit:  GW)

(I know, I know, I keep using the wrong models.  I'm sorry guys.  If you don't mind me using pics of your stuff, let me know and I'll start throwing them in!)

Your Aspiring Champion is going to be the boss, literally and figuratively.  They have a great profile and fantastic weapon options.  But who am I kidding?  You're almost always going to want to go Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon for the best all-round selection.  Going up against a 7-wound GEQ force, the Power Fist might be a better option for one-shotting them up close.

Unless you want to go all shooty, all the time, I'd stick with that loadout.  But there is some advantage to taking one with just a Bolter and Fists, because you can have a lot of fun with Malefic Rounds on someone who hits on a 2+.

Gunner and Heavy Gunner

(Image Credit:  GW)

You'll be taking at least one of these guys in every KT pretty much by default.  I'm discussing them both here for ease of selection (and because, honestly, there's no reason not to).

Gunners are fantastic.  They lose no mobility and, let's be honest, the Plasma Gun is the king of Kill Team at the moment.  A Meltagun is no slouch either and will utterly turn an Operative into a statistic up close and personal.

Heavy Gunners are a bit more limited.  I would always take the Heavy Bolter over the Missile Launcher because Heavy Bolters can use Malicious Volleys to shoot twice.  However, being Heavy, they're going to be slow unless you take a Suspensor, which eats up your valuable EPs.

In general, if I'm taking Cultists, I would likely take the Gunner, but if I'm taking 6 Marines, I'm definitely taking both.

Icon Bearer and Warriors

(Image Credit:  GW)

Here I'm just lumping these guys together because, well, there's not a lot of images for them on the store!  Sorry!

An Icon Bearer is pretty much an auto-take, whereas two Warriors are auto-takes if you're running double CSM Fire teams (as in, you don't have a choice, you're taking at least two).  But let's look at them together.

Icon of Vengeance is just a neat little buff in general and can REALLY put the hurt on some people with the right Kill Team.  And just, overall, Bolters and Fists are the way to go.  Yes, most shooting is pretty up-close, but not all, and I'd rather have unlimited range than +1 damage when it's still going to take 2-3 swings to kill most things in close combat.

Cultist Champion

You're not taking this guy unless you have a storyline reason or are goofing off.  You're just not.  Don't lie to yourself.  Sorry!

Cultist Gunner and Fighters

(Image Credit:  GW)

Again, combining them here because of pictures and because, honestly, there's never a reason not to take the gunners if you're taking the fighters.

Fighters, well, I don't like super-squishy, sort-of-okay melee units that do as much damage in close combat as they do with their autopistols.  I'd rather have the autoguns so these guys might do some chip damage while they are sacrificing their lives for the Dark Gods...  and Objectives.

Similarly, I prefer the Heavy Stubber on the gunners, but don't get me wrong, Flamers do have their place.  But I am willing to leave two Cultists in a good place after T1 to hold down lines of fire.


Okay, this is where I take a break for a second because holy cow, is there a LOT to say here.  So give me a few minutes.  I know you don't mind waiting, because you won't have to once this is published.

Okay, I'm back.  Now, a word of warning.  There are many fun little toys here and it's entirely possible to spend an inordinate amount of EPs on a single Operative.  Maybe you want your Heavy Gunner to not just shred, but also mince and blend?  It's possible.  Your Aspiring Champion can become even more brutal in melee.

Personally, I recommend against loading up too much on any single Operative.  It just makes them stick out even more, and your Heavy Gunner and Aspiring Champion already have big SHOOT ME signs stuck on their backs.

Belt Fed:  This is a nasty little upgrade, especially for a Heavy Bolter, but if you take a Heavy Gunner, you're already most likely wanting a Suspensor and now you're at 6 EP on a single Operative.  On a Bolter, I prefer Malefic Bolts.

Malefic Bolts:  As mentioned, I prefer this equipment for the EPs.  The odds of getting at least one crit when shooting twice is pretty decent and AP1 becomes great.

Dark Blessing:  This is one of the trap pieces of equipment in my opinion.  The Operative you're most likely to take it on (the Aspiring Champ) has several other options and I'd probably go with them.

Grenades (both types):  They can be useful.  Take them when you know you're going to need them.

Grisly Trophy:  A good way to keep your Aspiring Champion alive longer, since he's going to want to get stuck in there more or less all the time.

Suspensor System:  Take it if you're going to want to take a Heavy Bolter and get more use out of it.

Sacrificial Dagger:  Almost a must-take on a melee Aspiring Champion.  Regaining wounds after getting into a combat is a great thing, and 4 is a significant number.  If you combine this with the Trophy, it will be VERY hard to kill him up close, but he will also suck up all your EPs in a hurry.


Malicious Volleys:  The way to go most of the time.  Close combat is too brutal and if you didn't kill what you attacked, chances are it killed you.

Hateful Assault:  See above.

Let the Galaxy Burn!:  This can actually be really entertaining at times if you have an extra CP to, well, burn.

Veteran of the Long War:  Technically better than a CP reroll whenever you do no damage.  Use it in those circumstances.

Strike from Within:  If you're running Cultists, this will get those Gunners up on Vantage Points (if there is cover) before the game.  Remember they will set up Concealed so won't be shooting T1.

Warp Infused:  I love this on my Titans (you know what I mean).  It's still useful here, but less so, since you don't quite get the same boost as you do on a giant robot.  Still, it's situationally useful.


You know me.  I see Security, I take Security.  It's a lot easier to score and doesn't require me spending APL on things  Otherwise, you do you!

Sample Roster

Aspiring Champion (Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon)
Aspiring Champion (Boltgun)
Gunner (Plasma Gun)
Gunner (Meltagun)
Heavy Gunner (Heavy Bolter)
4x Warrior (Bolter)
2x Cultist Gunner (Heavy Stubber)
6x Cultist Fighter (Autogun)

Sprinkle in flavor however you want.

Sample Kill Teams (Just for Funsies)

(Almost) All Bolters, All the Time:
Aspiring Champion (Bolter, Malefic Rounds)
Icon Bearer (Bolter, Malefic Rounds)
Gunner (Plasma Gun)
3x Warrior (Bolter, Malefic Rounds)

Obviously, this team will be using the heck out of Malicious Volleys to get the most out of all those Malefic Rounds.  The Plasma Gunner is taken here because, well, why not?  I think shooting once with a plasma can be, at least sometimes, better than shooting twice with a Bolter, and anyways, we're all out of EP.

Pretty Standard List:
Aspiring Champion (Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon, Sacrificial Dagger)
Icon Bearer (Bolter)
Gunner (Plasma Gun)
Heavy Gunner (Heavy Bolter, Suspensor)
2x Warrior (Bolter, Malefic Rounds)

This is what I would normally take, barring things that would change my mind up.  Just a bog-standard list in my opinion.

So now, go forth and praise the Dark Ones or something.  C'thulhu ftaghn!
