Bad TheoryHammer: Adeptus Astartes (Part 2)

 Bad TheoryHammer:  Adeptus Astartes (Part 2)

(Image Credit:  GW)

Let me start off with an apology.  I was wrong!  It happens (it's called Bad TheoryHammer for a reason).  Shotguns on Scouts are good and I was biased because of how much I dislike shotguns on other things.  Run your Scouts with shotties.  Thanks, /r/Kilteam, for correcting me!

Unfortunately, your team won't be that cool under standard rules, but Deathwatch is one of those teams that BLEEDS Kill Team.  They're neat.  They have options (holy cow, Marines with options?).  You get to take a bunch of fun stuff with them.

Except you really don't.  You're still stuck with 5 Operatives in a Kill Team.  And even taking these guys means you can't take any of the Firstborn Marines, so no Scouts or Tacticals.  You are, of course, welcome to take all the BigMarines you want, but let's dive into the actual Deathwatch guys.


Isn't it funny how the datacard shows an illegal build?  Okay, done with that.  Let's talk actual loadouts.

You only get five Operatives with a Deathwatch team, so you kind of want to make them work for you.  Therefore, I would suggest the three options below:

  • Xenophase Blade and Storm Shield.  Not the most useful guy in anything but melee, but should shred things when he gets up close.
  • Xenophase Blade and Plasma Pistol.  This is your all-rounder who does a lot of work for your Kill Team.
  • Combi-Plasma.  For when you want to shoot, but also think that Bolter Discipline is kind of fancy.
  • .Plasma.  I guess you just wanna be basic?


Things get spicier now.  Here is where you get some fun toys (you can use most of them on the Sarge, but really, why are you when you can take a Xenophase or Plasma?  So let's rock this list.

  • The Heavy Thunder Hammer is the only thing that can do 8 wounds in a single attack (tell me if I am wrong here!),  This makes it a great choice to go up against anyone a little stronger than basic Guard.
  • Plasma Pistols are always great and you can pair them with a weapon of your choice.
  • An inferno pistol might be a great choice for really vaporizing someone.
  • Unless you're going double claws, take a power weapon over a single one.
  • Stun on a melee weapon is surprisingly useful.  Don't discount your mauls and hammers.  That said, other weapons might be more useful.


Let's be honest.  Unless you REALLY love Bolter Discipline, you're going to take a plasma gunner.  If you LOVE BD, you're going to take a combi-plasma.

That said, I will argue to the death for the inclusion of the combi-melta.  You're not often getting more than one shot with a melta anyway, so might as well have a bolter to back it up!

Heavy Gunner

See, again, here is where we see choices break down.  You have so many choices, but it boils down to a Frag Cannon or an Infernus.  And that then boils down to are you willing to spend 3 EP or not?

If you're going to spend the points on a Suspensor, the Infernus Heavy Bolter is a clear winner.  You get all the dakka of a heavy bolter (plus BD), and an extra little benefit of a Heavy Flamer on the side.  If not, the Frag Cannon is better.


You have to take at least one.  Your choices are a Storm Bolter or Bolter and Power Weapon, basically.  I prefer the latter, but others will prefer more dakka.  DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON SHOTGUNS, okay?


Honestly, I'm sort of at a loss here.  Unless you're taking an Infernus, there isn't much you need to take.  But you can take Purity Seals for a reroll, I suppose.  Better than nothing!


See Part 1.  You're going to use the generic Marine stuff.  I don't need to type it out again!


I'm biased here, I know, but I see Security, I take it.  Seek and Destroy is just silly to me.

Sample Team

So, let's get down to it.  You can take Deathwatch with Primaris (and you might as well), so let's look at a 20-Operative Roster using Primaris and Deathwatch.

Intercessor Sergeant (Auto Bolt Rifle, Power Weapon)
4x Intercessor Warrior (Auto Bolt Rifle)
Reiver Sergeant (Special-Issue Bolt Pistol, Combat Knife)
4x Reiver Warrior (Bolt Carbine, whatever, I don't care.)
DW Sergeant /(Xenophase Blade and Storm Shield)
DW Sergeant (Plasma Pistol and Xenophase Blade)
DW Warrior (Bolter and Power Weapon)
DW Warrior (Storm Bolter)
DW Gunner (Plasma)
DW Gunner (Melta)
DW Heavy Gunner (Infernus)
DW Heavy Gunner (Frag Canon)
DW Fighter (Heavy Thunder Hammer)
DW Fighter (Plasma Pistol and Power Fist)

This Roster, I think, gives you some flexibility with the ability to spam some plasma when you want.  But like, that's just me.
