Welcome to Bad TheoryHammer!
Well, this is a thing now, innit? After a lot of Bad TheoryHammer posts on /r/KillTeam, I've decided to make a little blog for posterity. I will try to keep things up-to-date as much as I can, but you know, I have this thing called a job (two of them, right now, actually) and I don't have a whole lot of free time. In fact, I don't get to play that much.
But, that said, I'm going to try to put my posts on /r/KillTeam up here, albeit I'm going to go a bit more in-detail. Everything I post here will be posted to the subreddit with a link and with plain text and I will edit as people bring up things.
So, let me introduce myself. I'm Uncle. /u/UnBaTo on Reddit. I'm a huge geek (you'll check my other blogs and see I do a lot of cooking and stuff). I've been playing 40k since 2nd Edition and all that. Basically I'm a grognard. My first love was Space Wolves. My second love? Genestealer Cult, and boy, and I glad to see them back.
Expect a lot of four-armed hugs from me in this blog. I get the Cult. I don't get AdMech or Tau, really. But that's okay, I'm sure there are plenty of things everyone doesn't get, and I'm going to wrap my squiddly brain around them somehow.
So, what to expect from this blog? NOTHING! Just my opinions, which are, as always, completely worthless. You may agree, you may disagree, you may think that I'm the equivalent of a Snotling that got shaken too often. That's half the fun!
This is just a skeleton blog right now. I'm going to work on some more things to make it prettier in the future. Expect some (stolen) art (I WILL GIVE CREDIT) and some hot takes and stuff.
Thanks for reading! I'll make some CONTENT soon!
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